Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Holiday in Moalboal

Hopefully Emily will write something better here shortly, but this had to be the most relaxing, beautiful 4 days we have had in a long time. Some of the best snorkeling and diving anywhere in the world out our front door, crystal clear 80+ degree water, river treking, cliff jumping, ocean kayaking, cock fighting, fresh food, and cold beer. The developing world is a fascinating, if not at times depressing place.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Taiwan So Far: September 2012 - Chinese New Year

We've been slacking pretty hard getting this thing started. Here, and in the 2 or 3 posts below are some photo galleries of what we've been up to so far here on the ROC. Night markets, scooter mobs, hiking, biking, eating, people watching, blowing stuff up, and generally being in awe of everything that is new or peculiar to our Western sensibilities; which is to say just about everything.

Taiwan Mountain Biking

I've slowly started exploring the trails around Taipei and have make a few trips up into the higher elevations of the Central Mountain Range. These trails were never designed for bikes, so riding them has presented both challenges and opportunity for adventure. Essentially, this is mountain biking in its rawest, original form.

City Bikes

When I'm bored I walk around and take pictures of the bikes in Taipei in their various states of disrepair.

People on the Move

30 minutes on a street corner

Chinese New Year Fireworks Festival: Neihu, Taipei

4 hours of total fireworks free-for-all to celebrate the end of Chinese New Year.